How to reach the bottom of pyramid users easily in 2025?

Are the bottom of the pyramid users your target consumers?

Do you think you are reaching out to them in the right way in 2025?

Try Direct2Worker Platform (D2W) today.

D2W is India’s only direct-to-worker digital platform where you can advertise directly to the Bottom of the Pyramid Users in any part of India, that too, at an insanely low cost.

Google, Facebook & YouTube seem obvious answers. However, they do not have enough variables to appropriately profile the Bottom of Pyramid Users in India.

Get in touch. Ask for a demonstration today.

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) is a digital platform with +1 million web pages where you can advertise your products/services directly to the bottom of the pyramid users. These pages are accessed directly by the Workers of India every day. Their monthly household income varies between ₹25,000 and ₹50,000, where the husband & wife work in separate domains to earn their living. They are Domestic Workers, Office Workers, Drivers, Security Guards, Healthcare Workers, Store Workers, Restaurant Workers, Salon Workers, School Workers, Factory Workers, Construction Workers and Automotive Workers.

You will find ample information on the fortune & profits at India’s bottom of the pyramid.

However, you will not find enough information on how to reach the bottom of the pyramid users.

In the past, there have been some successful BOP initiatives in India, but almost all of them have primarily been offline.

And unless you have an on-ground infrastructure like Project Shakti of Unilever, it is almost impossible for you to take your brand story to the bottom of the pyramid users.

In today’s digital age, the leading digital advertising platforms like Google, Facebook & YouTube may seem like an obvious answer for reaching out to the bottom of the pyramid users.

However, you will surprised to know that they have multiple limitations for such a niche audience like the bottom of the pyramid users.

11 limitations of Google, Facebook & YouTube in 2025 for reaching out to niche audiences like the Bottom of the Pyramid Users in India:

1. Limited targeting option:

You have limited targeting options for niche consumers. Especially for the bottom of the pyramid users, the leading digital platforms do not have enough variables to profile them appropriately.

2. Ad exposure controls are limited:

You have little control over your advertisement exposures. You will often find your ads appearing even on non-related pages.

3. Costly for competitive industries:

If you operate in a competitive industry, your everyday fight for the best CPC & CPM forces you to eventually pay more for your advertisements.

4. Targeting accuracy is always questionable:

Since there aren’t enough variables to profile the bottom of the pyramid user, the accuracy of the targeting is always doubtful. Mostly, you operate assuming your advertisement will reach the target audience.

5. There’s no guarantee of the placements of your ads at any particular space:

The ad algorithms of the leading digital advertising platforms and targeting options can always be complex. It is always difficult for you, as advertisers, to precisely control who sees your ads, where they appear and at what time.

6. Standard, limited or no value-adds:

When you place your ads on such platforms, there’s not much of a value-add that you can do. They are usually plain, simple, and very structured formats for placing ads on them. Even if you have a decent advertising budget with you, beyond a point, you cannot add further value to your advertisements.

7. Limited advertising space with constraints:

There’s always just limited advertising space available on these platforms. Unlike the traditional mediums (Television, Newspapers or Radio), there’s nothing much you can do if you want to take more space for your brand.

8. No control over negative comments:

This is an important aspect. Your advertisements have a purpose, but you cannot avoid the comments accompanying them once they are live on these platforms. Positive comments are great, but the negative comments blur the purpose of your advertisements on these platforms.

9. Ad blindness / Ad fatigue:

Some ad formats, like Display Ads, are common online. The more we see them, the higher the likelihood of being blind to them. Furthermore, seeing the same ad repeatedly makes you bored & annoyed with the content, leading to decreased engagement.

10. Ad blocking options for the user:

It is not valid as much in the case of the bottom of the pyramid users, but many of us use Ad blockers to block the ads we see while accessing these digital advertising platforms. This defeats the very purpose of placing the ads on these platforms.

11. Click frauds:

There is a risk of fraudulent clicks, especially on display ads, where bots or individuals generate clicks without intending to engage with the ad.

Meet Direct2Worker.

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) is India’s only digital platform with +1 million web pages (Helpers Near Me) where you can advertise your products & services directly to the bottom of the pyramid users.

These pages are accessed directly by the Workers of India every day.

Their monthly household income varies between ₹25,000 and ₹50,000, where the husband & wife work in separate domains to earn their living.

They are Domestic Workers, Office Workers, Drivers, Security Guards, Healthcare Workers, Store Workers, Restaurant Workers, Salon Workers, School Workers, Factory Workers, Construction Workers and Automotive Workers.

7 unique benefits of advertising on the Direct-to-Worker platform if you wish to reach out to the bottom of the pyramid users in India in 2025:

1. Get a good deal on your digital ads – Better ROI with higher CTR and lower CPC

On average, the advertisers on D2W get a CTR above 1% and a CPC below ₹3.00 (under $0.04). This is for a Lead Generation Ad on D2W.

You can expect a similar result for a Single Image Ad or a Single Video ad.

While the industry averages around a CTR of 0.7% and a CPC of about $0.05, placing your ads on the D2W (Direct-to-Worker) platform gets you a good deal to reach the bottom of the pyramid users.

In comparison to Facebook, the CTR may seem lower here. However, if you assess it minutely, you will find that Facebook has challenges in accurately profiling the bottom of the pyramid users.

If you track your results and measure the ROI, you will find D2W to score quite effectively for your advertising to the bottom of the pyramid users in India.

2. Connect with the bottom of the pyramid users at an insanely low cost

Advertising cost on D2W is usually under ₹20 per day (under $0.24 per day).

This is the lowest rate you will find in the digital advertising industry space in India, especially for targeting the bottom of the pyramid users.

3. Select your preferred target user

At D2W, you can select the target user you want to reach out to from the bottom of the pyramid.

The leading digital advertising platforms like Google, Facebook & YouTube do not have enough variables to profile users at the bottom of the pyramid.

Primarily, they profile the bottom of the pyramid users primarily based on their handset and usage history/patterns on their platform.

Unlike Google, Facebook & YouTube, at D2W, you can select the kind of user you want to target from a list of 100+ profiles of the bottom of the pyramid workers.

They could be domestic workers, office workers, drivers, security guards, healthcare workers, store workers, restaurant workers, salon workers, school workers, factory workers, construction workers, or automotive workers.

4. Target the cities that matter the most for your business

From a list of 400+ top cities in India, the D2W platform allows you to select 60+ target cities where you want your brand’s advertisement to appear the most.

Additionally, you always have the option to reach every part of India.

Likewise, if you wish, you can select the preferred states of India where your advertisement will feature the most.

5. Prefer the ad format that works the best for your brand

There are 7 different ad formats that D2W offers.

They are Lead Generation, Single Image, Single Video, Carousel Images, Carousel Videos, Brand Spotlight and Featured this week.

Understand how these different formats work, view the live pages, expected reach and the pricing.

6. Get first-hand leads directly on your phone or WhatsApp from the bottom of the pyramid users

If you go for the Generate Leads ad format, you can use your brand’s advertising to get first-hand potential leads directly from interested workers.

In this case, you also get an option to explain your ad in as much detail as possible.

You get a separate dedicated web page where you can explain your advertisement in any preferred language and get calls or WhatsApp messages from potential target audiences.

7. Communicate with the bottom of the pyramid users in a regional language that they will understand

As you understand, in India, people speak many languages.

So, whatever language works best for your brand, you can use the same to speak with your users at the bottom of the pyramid.

D2W offers open space for Lead Generation Ads where you can explain the brand promotion in your preferred language.

Get quick answers to most of your questions on D2W.

Get in touch. Ask for a demonstration today.

Assess your ROI for the BOP users today. Direct-to-Worker (D2W) vs. Traditional media like Television, Print, Radio, Outdoor or others.

1) Greater reach & accessibility with D2W

Direct-to-Worker can extend your brand’s reach to remote and underserved areas where traditional media might not have a strong presence.

72% of the bottom of the pyramid users now have smartphones, making it easier to take your brand directly to them.

Drawbacks of the traditional methods: While Television, Print, Radio or Outdoor can get you a broader reach, you will always have challenges going into deep pockets of geographies.

Reaching out to a larger set of your core target audience of BOP users will not be as easy.

2) D2W is more cost-effective

Advertising via Direct-to-Worker is more cost-effective than traditional methods like Television, Print, Radio or Outdoor.

D2W allows for precise targeting among the bottom of the pyramid users, reducing the wastage of resources.

Drawbacks of the traditional methods: Because the reach of Television, Print, Radio or Outdoor is broad, you will always spend more to reach your core target audience of BOP users.

Traditional media is always expensive, especially with a constrained advertising budget.

3) Measure results promptly through D2W’s Performance Dashboard

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) provides real-time analytics and performance metrics, enabling you to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns as it is live.

You can track the BOP user engagement, CTR, Conversion Rates, CPM and Cost per Lead on WhatsApp/Calls.

Drawbacks of the traditional methods: There’s always a lag in measuring the results of an advertising campaign you run on the traditional media.

Lack of enough data, Difficulties in tracking and a Time-consuming affair are some of the common challenges you face while measuring the results of your campaign among the bottom of the pyramid users.

4) Personalize advertisement content at D2W

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) allows personalized marketing content, which can resonate better with the bottom of the pyramid users.

You can personalize the language & make the content in line with the user’s profile, gender or age.

Like content for Car Drivers, Factory Workers, Male/Female Workers, Young/Mature/Old Workers, etc.

Drawbacks of the traditional methods: Content personalisation is always complex when using traditional media to target BOP users.

Since traditional media has a broader reach, personalization of content could also be expensive.

5) Have interactive engagement with the BOP Users at D2W

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) lets you converse directly with potential bottom of the pyramid users.

You can interact with the BOP users directly by making a direct call or WhatsApp call to your phone number.

And you can easily keep track of the results gathered.

You can converse with BOP users one-on-one, answer their questions, and provide timely support as required.

Drawbacks of the traditional methods: Making the campaign interactive in traditional media is challenging. It is not impossible, though.

However, such interactive campaigns in traditional media are more expensive to produce as they would require extensive creativity and technical resources.

It would also have limited reach as it would be challenging to multiply the creativity in large numbers.

6) Use rich resources to educate BOP users about your brand

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) lets you reach the bottom of the pyramid users in various formats.

Images, Videos, Multiple videos, a Dedicated web page for as much content, An option to call you or WhatsApp – you can choose whatever works for you.

Rich content is always beneficial for the bottom of the pyramid users.

BOP users have a limited understanding of what they are exposed to.

7) Easy scalability

Your campaign can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing demands.

You can reach larger/smaller sets of the bottom of the pyramid users as needed.

Direct-to-Worker (D2W) lets you pause and change your preferences for your campaign.

Get quick answers to most of your questions on D2W.

Get in touch. Ask for a demonstration today.

Refer to 7 different ad formats at D2W.