Best way to find a reliable Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi, in 2025.

Finding a reliable Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi, is no longer challenging in 2025.

Try Helpers Near Me and connect with multiple legally verified Maids nearby today.

5 minutes and a nominal fee is all it takes.

HELPERS NEAR ME (HNM) is an easy way to find and hire local workers. It uses technology and extensive groundwork to help you connect directly with local workers without any middlemen or commissions. On the other hand, HNM helps the underprivileged workers of India find local employment, free of cost, directly from nearby employers like yourself. From time to time, HNM also engages with Government bodies and NGOs to spread the platform’s accessibility to as many workers all over India as possible.

No Commissions, just a nominal fee | No Agents, Agencies or Contractors in between | 100% Refund Policy | +80% Customers appreciate our services

Verification for Maids is easy in 2025. You can do it online.

The best way to find a Driver near you in 2025.

There aren’t enough options for finding a maid in Dwarka, New Delhi.

Especially if you are new to Delhi and if your need is urgent, and the problem seems even more challenging.

To find a Maid, some of the options you usually try are:

  1. Knock on your neighbour’s door to check if their Maid knows someone in her social circle,
  2. Check with the next Security Guard you come across,
  3. Ask your nearest relative living in the same city,
  4. And times when your need is urgent, you shout out from your balcony when you see a Maid passing by

How much does a Maid cost in Dwarka, New Delhi, in 2025? What is the right monthly salary or charge for hiring a Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi, in 2025?

The monthly cost of hiring a Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi, varies between ₹3,500 and ₹20,000, depending on the profile of the maid you hire.

The charges vary depending on the hours of engagement. For a Maid who does the cleaning and housekeeping work twice a day, in all about 2-3 hours, the cost of hiring the maid varies between ₹3,500 to ₹4,500.

If you engage the same Maid for about half of the day (Part time Maid), the cost of hiring the Part time maid varies between ₹6,000 to ₹7,000.

In other cases where you want the Maid to cook at home, the cost of hiring the Cook varies between ₹10,000 to ₹12,000, depending on the cooking workload for the number of family members.

If you want the Maid to be there with you for the whole day (Full Day Maid), the cost of hiring the Full Day Maid ranges between ₹14,000 to ₹15,000.

And if you are looking for a Full time Maid, the cost of hiring the Full time Maid varies between ₹19,000 to ₹20,000. Within this salary range, their primary task may vary from Cooking, Housekeeping, and Babysitting to Elder Care, but they are usually open to all the other household chores.

In some cases, the Full time Maids even charge between ₹21,000 to ₹25,000, but they are usually the Maids who work with Expats and are far more experienced than those who haven’t worked for Expats earlier.

(SOURCE – SalaryTracker)

Do you want to check the Maid cost in Dwarka, New Delhi, in 2025? Try SalaryTracker. It is a free salary tracking tool for 100+ profiles of Workers near you.

Try recollecting the last time you had looked out for a Maid in Dwarka.

You would surely be able to relate to one of the abovementioned situations. And that’s how it has been so far for most of us.

The situation at home is even more challenging when both the husband & the wife are working. You don’t have time to find the Maid in this scenario.

Not that it is challenging only for you, but the situation is almost the same for Maids.

With the limited reach that the Maid has among her friends and security guards, she faces the same difficulty when searching for work opportunities.

At times when her need is urgent, she also gets into the trap of some agent or contractor who charges her commission to connect her with you.

Likewise, you also end up paying the agent a decent sum.

Meet Helpers Near Me.

It solves the problem both for you & the Maids.

Helpers Near Me helps you find a maid in Dwarka or other parts of Delhi NCR as easily as possible.

Even the charges are nominal – starting at ₹99 only.

Furthermore, the platform connects you with multiple Maids, not just one. This choice ensures you get the best Maid who understands your needs better and fits your budget.

11 solid reasons why you should try Helpers Near Me when you need a reliable Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi in 2025:

1) It is Convenient, Easy & Organized

Helpers Near Me is an Easier, Simpler and Better way of finding Maids.

5 minutes and just a click of a few buttons is all it takes to find Full time or Part time Maids in Dwarka, New Delhi, at Helpers Near Me.

Finding maids was never as easy and organised as it was earlier.

2) Connect with Legally Verified Maids only

Helpers Near Me follows a 2/3 Step Verification Process for every person registered with the platform.

Everyone’s ID and Court/Criminal Records are checked in detail at the neighbouring District Courts around their addresses.

Learn more about the 2/3 Step Verification Process at Helpers Near Me.

Furthermore, you can also get your current Maid verified through this process. Whether she was hired from Helpers Near Me or elsewhere does not matter.

The primary objective is to help you get proper due diligence done for your Maid before or soon after hiring her.

3) Speak with Maids near you in Dwarka, New Delhi

Helpers Near Me connects you with Maids, preferably within 1-2 km of your search location.

They may be Full time Maids available for 24 hours work or Full Day Maids available for the entire day, morning till evening. Or they could be Part time Maids, available for only a few hours, morning or evening.

4) Reach out to multiple Maids at a time

If available, Helpers Near Me connects you with multiple Maids near you, not just one or two.

Honestly, you also want choices, and always!

Moreover, when you want to hire a Maid permanently, you always want to meet with a few before deciding who to hire.

To give you enough choices, Helpers Near Me tries to connect you with as many options as possible from around your search location.

5) Find and Hire a reliable Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi, at a nominal fee only

At Helpers Near Me, you can connect with multiple Maids at a starting fee of ₹99.

There are no additional charges.

Except when you want access to the maid’s background verification report.

But the report is also available to you at a nominal fee of just ₹249.

So, technically, the entire transaction happens at a nominal fee only.

Unlike many maid service agencies, there are no commissions at Helpers Near Me.

A nominal fee is all you pay.

6) Get the best-shortlisted Maids from a vast pool of Workers

A unique rating system allows Helpers Near Me to connect you with the best Maids around your search location.

This unique rating system at Helpers Near Me is one of a kind.

The rating system uses a sophisticated algorithm, ensuring you always get the best option.

7) Empowers the Maids to connect with you directly

Helpers Near Me supports the maids and many other workers in finding nearby work opportunities.

The platform does so by connecting the Maids directly with you.

She can decide and opt for the work out of her own will by connecting directly with you.

No one influences her decision.

Furthermore, the maid gets to decide her salary as well.

In turn, this process helps her take control of her life and her source of income.

The maids join Helpers Near Me willingly and free of cost.

8) There are no middlemen & commissions in between

At Helpers Near Me, since you connect with the Maids directly, there are no middlemen & commissions in between.

Traditionally, maid service agencies have always made their commissions in between. They charge commissions from you, as well as the Maids.

At Helpers Near Me. there are no such commissions in between.

It is a straightforward digital platform that brings you and the workers together so that you can connect and take care of each other’s requirements.

9) The Maid gets to earn her full salary

Every Maid or Worker hired through Helpers Near Me can earn a full salary.

They get all they earn without having to pay commissions to someone else.

Even now, many maid service agencies and contractors who provide housekeeping services at offices take salaries directly from you or the company and pay the worker after deducting a monthly percentage.

10) It has a Safe and Secure payment process

Every transaction processed at Helpers Near Me goes through recognised payment gateways like Paytm, PayU & others.

Your details are entirely secured & protected against any unauthorised transactions.

11) Follows Customer-friendly 100% Refund Policy

Helpers Near Me follows an excellent, Customer-friendly 100% Refund Policy.

Every transaction you go through here comes with an assurance of helping you find a Full time Maid or any other worker you might want to search for on the platform.

For every genuine reason, the refunds at Helpers Near Me are processed without any questions asked.

Learn more about the Customer-Friendly 100% Refund Policy at Helpers Near Me.

Imagine what this convenience brings you when finding a Maid in Dwarka, New Delhi.

This comfort solves all the trouble you had to take otherwise to find a Maid.

So, next time you need to find a Maid in Dwarka or other parts of Delhi NCR, try Helpers Near Me.

By far, Helpers Near Me is the easiest way you can find a Maid in Dwarka.

Along with maids, Helpers Near Me has many others registered on its platform who work in homes, offices, and small businesses, like Cooks, Drivers, Babysitters, Security Guards, Beauticians for your Parlour business, Helpers for Elders, Car Washers and many others.

Quick Links:

To find & hire workers near you, try Helpers Near Me.

Try SalaryTracker. It is a free salary tracking tool for 100+ profiles of Workers near you.

Refer to some of our Customer Reviews. Find what they have to say about Helpers Near Me.

Legally, Verify the credentials of your Maid, Driver, Security Guard, Babysitter, Cook, Gardener or any other worker. Try the Professional Verification Services of Helpers Near Me.

Want to get quick answers to some of your questions? Read our FAQs section.

We recommend hiring workers from Helpers Near Me. Here’s why:

Helpers Near Me uses technology and a lot of groundwork to help you connect directly with workers without any middlemen or commissions.

On one end, HNM helps the underprivileged workers of India find local employment, free of cost, directly from nearby employers like yourself. On the other, the digital infrastructure built around HNM makes it easy, quick, reliable & affordable for anyone to find & hire 100+ profiles of nearby workers.

With a vision to end poverty, forced labour, worker exploitation, and human trafficking, HNM is working towards building an unbiased and inclusive digital ecosystem where the underprivileged workforce of India can join the platform easily and access local employment free of cost, with or without smartphones.

HNM believes having enough local employment opportunities allows the workers to find a better working environment, better salaries and a chance to improve their and their families’ quality of life.

From time to time, HNM also engages with Government bodies and NGOs to make the platform accessible to as many workers in India as possible.

Find how many Workers have joined the movement to connect with YOU directly.

Many of the workers have also received local employment opportunities.