Finding a reliable Babysitter in Delhi NCR is easy in 2025.
It is no longer a challenging task.
Try Helpers Near Me now and connect with several legally verified Babysitters near you in just a few minutes.
HELPERS NEAR ME (HNM) is an easy way to find and hire local workers. It uses technology and extensive groundwork to help you connect directly with local workers without any middlemen or commissions. On the other hand, HNM helps the underprivileged workers of India find local employment, free of cost, directly from nearby employers like yourself. From time to time, HNM also engages with Government bodies and NGOs to spread the platform’s accessibility to as many workers all over India as possible.
No Commissions, just a nominal fee | No Agents, Agencies or Contractors in between | 100% Refund Policy | +80% Customers appreciate our services
Verification for Maids is easy in 2025. You can do it online.
“I need a good and reliable Babysitter, but don’t know where to find one.”
It is one of the most common situations that many of us go through.
And at this stage, there’s not much choice that one can find around us.
Some obvious traditional options are:
- Ask the neighbours, friends or family living in the city
- Check with your current maid/cook if they know someone
- Leave a note with your friend’s maid.
- Or reach out to an agent/maid agency and try our luck.
How much does a Babysitter cost in Delhi in 2025? What is the right monthly salary or charge for hiring a Babysitter in Delhi?
The monthly cost of hiring a Babysitter in Delhi in 2025 varies between ₹14,000 and ₹20,000, depending on the profile of the Babysitter/Nanny you hire.
The charges vary depending on the hours of engagement.
For a Babysitter engaged from morning until evening (about 10/12 hrs of work), hiring the Babysitter or Nanny costs between ₹14,000 to ₹15,000.
And if she’s a Live-in Babysitter/Nanny (24 hrs), the cost of hiring the Live-in Babysitter varies between ₹19,000 to ₹20,000.
(SOURCE – SalaryTracker)
Do you want to check the Babysitter cost in Delhi in 2025? Try SalaryTracker. It is a free salary tracking tool for 100+ profiles of Workers near you.
It is an entirely different story if you rely on the agents/maid agencies. Many of them turn into a foul experience.
Alternatively, you wait for the rest of the options until someone appears on your doorstep.
It is even more challenging if you want a live-in Babysitter.
Furthermore, if you are a working mother, finding a competent and trustworthy babysitter for your baby can become one of the most challenging jobs.
As a mother, you want someone good at her work and who can be trusted with the responsibility of the entire house when you are not around.
No matter the situation, the babysitter must come through a source you can trust.
The question always is how to find such a trustworthy source.
Meet Helpers Near Me.
Helpers Near Me makes it relatively easy to find a Babysitter in Delhi.
The platform also helps you find 100+ different profiles of Workers locally.
With a vision to end poverty, forced labour, worker exploitation, and human trafficking, Helpers Near Me is working towards creating an ecosystem of inclusive economic growth for unorganised workers.
Helpers Near Me uses complex algorithms via its different digital platforms as a medium to enable the less educated, uneducated, unskilled, partly skilled or skilled unorganised workers to find nearby Work Opportunities.
The platform helps you find and hire local workers without the middlemen.
Find how many workers have joined Helpers Near Me. They all wish to connect with employers like yourself directly.
Here’s a real story in brief that explains the concept of Helpers Near Me better:

Meet Siso, a girl from Jharkhand who came to Delhi in 2015.
She needed a job that could fetch her some money.
Siso wanted to take care of herself and send a few savings to her parents in her village.
She was not a Babysitter by choice. She has always wanted to be a sports athlete and represent her college at the state level. Finally, she wanted to join forces or the police as a career.
But her financial situation at home brought her to Delhi. She had to give up on her career to earn her living & support her parents back home in the village.
Thankfully, Siso came across our representative and registered herself at Helpers Near Me.
She did not pay anyone anything to be a part of Helpers Near Me. She joined the platform willingly and free of cost.
After a few weeks of joining Helpers Near Me, she got connected to a family in South Delhi, met with them, and finally decided to work there. Currently, she still works with the same family as a Babysitter.
The family was accommodating enough to ensure she studied whenever she had time.
Now, Siso earns her living, sends money to her parents, and prepares for her dream career.
But come to think of it:
- Is this the reality for many other Maids, Babysitters or other Workers?
- How many babysitters do we know who have a decent family to live with, get some decent money, and are allowed to pursue their careers simultaneously?
- Do they all work without the pressure of an Agent and Contractor?
- How many get to take their full salary home and not share it with any agents in between?
Today, the reality is that many workers end up paying a decent portion of their salary to Agents or Contractors in between.
And this is not just for one month. Many workers get only a portion of their hard-earned salary every month.
10 promising reasons why you should try Helpers Near Me when you need to find a Babysitter in Delhi NCR in 2025:
1) Empowers Babysitters to connect with you directly
Babysitters join Helpers Near Me willingly and free of cost.
Helpers Near Me supports Babysitters in finding nearby employment opportunities and connecting with you directly.
2) Convenient, Easy & Organized for you
You can find Babysitters in Delhi (or Maids) at your convenience at Helpers Near Me.
It is far easier, simpler & better.
5 minutes and just a click of a few buttons is all it takes to find a Babysitter in Delhi at Helpers Near Me.
3) Professionally Verified Babysitters – A safe hiring for you
Helpers Near Me verifies the background of every Babysitter thoroughly.
The platform follows a 2/3 Step Verification Process for every Babysitter and other workers who are a part of the platform.
First, their IDs are verified.
Second, their Criminal/Court Records are checked across thousands of District Courts in India.
You can get this detailed Background Verification report emailed at an additional nominal fee of ₹249.
4) Connect with the nearest Babysitters
The platform works so that it lets you find nearby Babysitters, all from the vicinity of your search location.
The system tries to connect you with Babysitters, preferably within 1-2 km of your search location.
5) Connect with multiple Babysitters to find the best one
Helpers Near Me connects you with multiple Babysitters for every order, not just one.
It gives you a choice so that you get to hire the best one among all the available options.
6) Find your Babysitter from a vast pool of Workers
Helpers Near Me has thousands of Babysitters registered on its platform.
So, when you place an order, you connect with a good set of Babysitters available on the platform.
The platform automatically connects you with the Babysitters with higher rankings and filters out the ones with low rankings.
A unique rating system allows Helpers Near Me to connect you with the best babysitters.
7) Connect with a Babysitter in Delhi at a nominal fee only
You can find multiple Babysitters at a starting fee of ₹99 only at Helpers Near Me.
Once you hire your Babysitter from the available options, you don’t need to pay anything further.
A nominal fee is all it takes.
8) No Agents, Contractors or Commissions in between
At Helpers Near Me, you connect with all the Babysitters directly.
There are no middlemen in between. This option saves the additional commissions you would pay if you approached the agents.
9) The Babysitter gets to earn her full salary
Connecting the Babysitters and you directly ensures there are no middlemen in between.
This ensures that every Babysitter can earn a full portion of her hard-earned salary.
10) Customer friendly 100% Refund policy
At Helpers Near Me, there’s always an assurance of a happy experience.
For every genuine reason, the refunds are processed without any questions asked.
So, you can find a worker through the platform, or the platform gives you a 100% refund.
Read more about the 100% refund policy of Helpers Near Me.
So, next time you need a Babysitter in Delhi in 2025 or a Maid or a Cook, try looking for one at Helpers Near Me.
The platform brings thousands of Babysitters, Maids, Cooks, Drivers, Delivery Boys, and many more such blue-collar workers in one place, so it is easy for you to find & hire them.
So, go for it.
Quick Links:
To find & hire workers near you, try Helpers Near Me.
Try SalaryTracker. It is a free salary tracking tool for 100+ profiles of Workers near you.
Refer to some of our Customer Reviews. Find what they have to say about Helpers Near Me.
Legally, Verify the credentials of your Maid, Driver, Security Guard, Babysitter, Cook, Gardener or any other worker. Try the Professional Verification Services of Helpers Near Me.
Want to get quick answers to some of your questions? Read our FAQs section.
We recommend hiring workers from Helpers Near Me. Here’s why:
Helpers Near Me uses technology and a lot of groundwork to help you connect directly with workers without any middlemen or commissions.
On one end, HNM helps the underprivileged workers of India find local employment, free of cost, directly from nearby employers like yourself. On the other, the digital infrastructure built around HNM makes it easy, quick, reliable & affordable for anyone to find & hire 100+ profiles of nearby workers.
With a vision to end poverty, forced labour, worker exploitation, and human trafficking, HNM is working towards building an unbiased and inclusive digital ecosystem where the underprivileged workforce of India can join the platform easily and access local employment free of cost, with or without smartphones.
HNM believes having enough local employment opportunities allows the workers to find a better working environment, better salaries and a chance to improve their and their families’ quality of life.
From time to time, HNM also engages with Government bodies and NGOs to make the platform accessible to as many workers in India as possible.