How to find reliable Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in 2024?

Try Helpers Near Me. Follow the quick steps mentioned below, and hire anyone you like.
Easy, Quick, Affordable &
Legally Verified Beauticians

Quick Steps
to find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

  1. Please tap on "Find & Hire now" & Sign in with your credentials
  2. Search for the profile as "Beautician" & enter the location as "Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar"
  3. Find the profiles of some of the best-rated Beauticians around Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, Pay a small fee, Connect with every featured Beautician & Hire anyone you like
Fee - starting at ₹99

If it doesn't work out, ask for a 100% refund within 15 days of your order.

Monthly cost of Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in 2024

Updated on 02 Jan 2024

How much does a Beautician cost in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in 2024? What is the right salary per month or charge for hiring a Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in 2024?

The monthly cost of hiring a Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar varies between ₹11,969 to ₹12,903. The actual salary may vary from one Beautician to the other. It is recommended to speak with them directly about their salary expectation.

Monthly salary of Beauticians in India
5 year trend - 2020 to 2024

Year Salary Change (%)
2024 ₹13,995 - ₹14,929 +17.33%
2023 ₹11,859 - ₹12,793 0%
2022 ₹11,859 - ₹12,793 0%
2021 ₹11,859 - ₹12,793 0%
2020 ₹11,859 - ₹12,793 +1.91%
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Essential employment facts on Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in 2024

34 yrs. is the average age of Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
3 yrs. is the average work experience that Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, have
4.5 km(s) is the average distance to work that Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, prefers to travel
60% of Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar are up to 10th educated
60% Beauticians are not educated enough. Most of the Beauticians are less than 10th educated.

For your Parlour, find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

If you are running your own Parlour in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, having a dedicated and reliable Beautician at your Parlour is a must.

However, when you try looking around for them, there are not enough options to find a decent Beautician in the vicinity.

Some of the options you usually end up trying are:

  1. Place Classified Ads in the local newspaper & wait for someone to respond
  2. Ask your local friends running Parlours, if they know someone who would be interested in working as Beautician at your place
  3. Ask your current Beauticians, if they can find one in their circle
  4. Check some of the options available online, but land nowhere
  5. And at times, just reach out to the Agents and pay a reasonable sum of money as commission

No matter which option you try, they are all either time taking or involves a decent sum of money before you can find one decent Beautician for your Parlour.

Like it is challenging for you, the situation is almost the same for the Beauticians as well. With the limited reach that they have, among their friends and family they know from around, they face the same difficulty when in need of such work.

And at times when their need is urgent, they also get into a trap of some agent or a contractor, who charges them commission, every month in some cases, just to get them a job.

Meet Helpers Near Me.

It solves the problem, both for You and the Beautician.

For you, it helps you to find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in the easiest possible way. Helpers Near Me enables you to find a reliable Beautician in just 5 minutes. Even the charges are nominal - starting at just Rs.500/- only.

Furthermore, Helpers Near Me connects you with multiple Beauticians, not only one of them. Having this kind of choice ensures that you get the Beautician who understands your need better, and also fits into your budget.

Here are 8 compelling reasons why you should try Helpers Near Me when you need to find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar:

  1. It is quick & convenient - At Helpers Near Me, you can find Beauticians at your convenience. It is Easier, Simpler & Better. 5 minutes and just a click of a few buttons, that's all it takes to find a reliable Beautician on Helpers Near Me
  2. Beauticians, available on Call - At Helpers Near Me, you get to find a reliable Beautician directly through a call. You don't need to go anywhere or call anyone in between or leave your requirement somewhere. Within 5 minutes of your transaction, you could find multiple Beauticians who are available on your mobile. And then, you get to call them directly
  3. Professionally Verified Beauticians - Helpers Near Me verifies the background of every Beautician thoroughly & professionally. The platform follows a 2 Step Verification Process for every Beautician. First, their IDs are verified, and second, their Criminal Records are checked across thousands of District Courts of India. At an additional nominal fee of just Rs.199/-, you can even get this detailed Background Verification Report emailed to yourself
  4. Beauticians from your vicinity - Helpers Near Me is designed in such a way that it allows you to find a reliable Beautician in the vicinity of your Parlour
  5. Offers choices of Beauticians, even though you need just one or two - Helpers Near Me connects you with multiple Beauticians in every order, and not only one of them. It offers choices so that you get to choose the best ones among all the available options
  6. Find Beauticians from a vast pool of database - Helpers Near Me has hundreds of Beauticians registered on its platform from different parts of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, and nearby areas. So, when you make an order, you get the best of the choices available on the platform
  7. Nominal Charges only - You get to find multiple Beauticians at a starting fee of Rs.500/- only. And once you hire your Beautician from the available options, you don't need to pay anything further. About Rs.500/- is all it takes.
  8. No Agents or Contractors in between - At Helpers Near Me, you get to contact all the Beauticians directly. There are no middle-men in between. This option saves all the additional commissions that you would have to pay otherwise if you approach them. It also ensures that the Beauticians get a full portion of their salary, directly through you, rather than through any middle-men in between

Now, imagine this kind of convenience and being able to find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar in just 5 minutes. This sort of convenience suddenly solves all the trouble of looking around for them.

So, next time when you need to find a reliable Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, try Helpers Near Me.

Helpers Near Me is the easiest way you can find a reliable Beautician for your Parlour.

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21 Beauticians who are looking for employment in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.84/5
Experience: 6 yrs
Age: 48 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi, English
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Graduate
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 01 Nov 2019 | 05:07 PM, 4 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.57/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 27 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Less than 10th
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 28 Sep 2018 | 08:35 PM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.09/5
Experience: 1 yr 6 months
Age: 30 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: None
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 28 Sep 2018 | 08:34 PM, 5 years ago)

Santosh Sharma

Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.49/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 26 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi, English
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹12,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 17 Jan 2019 | 11:43 AM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.98/5
Experience: 5 yrs
Age: 32 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Languages known: Hindi, English
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 10th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹15,000/-
Looking for work: Around 4 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 09 Jan 2020 | 04:23 PM, 4 years ago)

Moni Devi

Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.83/5
Experience: 1 yr
Age: 32 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 10th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹14,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 19 Feb 2021 | 11:49 AM, 3 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.47/5
Experience: No Experience
Age: 33 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi, English
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 10th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 28 Sep 2018 | 08:34 PM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.8/5
Experience: 8 yrs
Age: 38 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: None
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 21 Nov 2018 | 07:42 AM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.19/5
Experience: 6 months
Age: 34 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹12,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 21 Nov 2018 | 12:30 PM, 5 years ago)

Guddi Devi

Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.08/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 48 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Less than 10th
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹9,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 25 Nov 2023 | 05:04 AM, 9 months ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  4.18/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 29 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 4 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 04 Sep 2021 | 01:04 PM, 3 years ago)

Devmati Chouhan

Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.91/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 31 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 10th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹14,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 10 Sep 2024 | 07:00 AM, 5 days ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.42/5
Experience: 12 yrs
Age: 37 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Less than 10th
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹18,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 22 Feb 2020 | 05:31 PM, 4 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.99/5
Experience: 5 yrs
Age: 32 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹15,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 13 May 2019 | 04:49 PM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.55/5
Experience: 10 yrs
Age: 37 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹15,000/-
Looking for work: Around 5 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 02 Aug 2023 | 12:23 PM, 1 year ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.63/5
Experience: No Experience
Age: 27 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: -
Languages known: Hindi, English
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: -
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹12,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 06 Nov 2019 | 10:22 AM, 4 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.73/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 35 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Graduate
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹18,000/-
Looking for work: Around 3 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 07 Apr 2022 | 04:51 PM, 2 years ago)

Mandeep Kaur

Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.82/5
Experience: 2 yrs
Age: 33 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi, Punjabi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: 12th Pass
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹10,000/-
Looking for work: Around 5 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 28 Nov 2019 | 12:45 PM, 4 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.26/5
Experience: 3 months
Age: 28 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Graduate
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹12,000/-
Looking for work: Around 5 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 18 Aug 2023 | 05:35 AM, 1 year ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.69/5
Experience: No Experience
Age: 25 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Less than 10th
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹9,000/-
Looking for work: Around 5 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 04 Dec 2018 | 12:45 PM, 5 years ago)


Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar

Rating:  3.46/5
Experience: 7 yrs
Age: 31 yrs.
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Languages known: Hindi
Legally Pre-Verified: Yes
Education: Less than 10th
Monthly Salary Expected: ₹13,000/-
Looking for work: Around 4 km of Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar
Prefer to work: Day shift
(Joined On: 30 Dec 2019 | 05:03 PM, 4 years ago)
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Customer Reviews

4.3 /5

(Read 8 of 880 Customer Reviews)

Anurag Jain

Location: Adipur, Gandhidham, Gujarat, India

Rating: 4/5

Process and help is good (Connected with Full Day Maids)

Process and help is good

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 3 weeks ago


Location: Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110091, In

Rating: 4/5

(Connected with Cooks)

The customer support is good, but some of the cooks were not willing to work due to distance.

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 3 weeks ago

Vijay Sharma

Location: Sector 3, Rohini, Delhi, 110085, India

Rating: 5/5

Providing the transparent platform and backend support is very good (Connected with Full Day Maids)

Greetings to the Helpers team. Helping well to both employees and employer and providing the transparent platform and backend support is very good. I wish the team more success and the motto of the platform is selfless which is iconic. Thanks keep it up.

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 1 month ago

Ashish Aggarwal

Location: Mandi House, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India

Rating: 5/5

The help was prompt and to my satisfaction (Connected with Cooks)

The help was prompt and to my satisfaction

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 1 month ago

Mukul S Laad

Location: Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Rating: 4/5

Nice service (Connected with Full Day Maids)

Nice service

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 1 month ago

Harminder Singh

Location: Dashmesh Nagar, Utrathiya, Zirakpur, Punjab 140603

Rating: 5/5

I have hired a cook from you. It will be great if you can provide more option between 5 km of area. (Connected with Cooks)

I have hired a cook from you. It will be great if you can provide more option between 5 km of area instead of just current location, some time owner ready to pay travel expenses as well

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 1 month ago

Parminder Kaur

Location: Sector 35, Chandigarh, 160022, India

Rating: 5/5

Good experience. Helpful in nature (Connected with Part-time Maids)

Good experience. Helpful in nature. Tried to solve my problem.

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 1 month ago

Deepika Bindra

Location: Punjabi Bagh, Delhi, India

Rating: 5/5

Got a maid (Connected with Full Day Maids)

Got a maid through you. Thanks.

Review posted on Helpers Near Me, 2 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely yes. With Helpers Near Me, you can find multiple Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar. The platform uses advanced algorithms to help you find Beauticians who are actively looking for work around Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar. You can connect with all of them online.
Helpers Near Me follows a 2/3 Step Background Verification Process to check the reliability of Beauticians from Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar. With the help of technology, the platform does a detailed check on every Beautician's ID & Court/Criminal Records in the neighbouring District Courts of their address. If you opt for it, you can also access your Beautician's background verification report from Helpers Near Me.
The charges vary from profile to profile, but it is always a nominal fee. At a starting fee of just ₹99, you can connect with various profiles of Beauticians in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar.
Helpers Near Me is a DIPP recognised startup. It is a social enterprise. The platform is working towards helping the unorganised blue-collar workers in finding local employment. The platform works in collaboration with the Government. With it, you can easily find a Beautician in Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar.
No, not at all. While connecting with Beauticians from Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, you don't pay any commission. You only pay a nominal fee (starting at just ₹99). After hiring the Beautician, you can pay their salaries directly to the person.
Consider your payment as a small deposit. At Helpers Near Me, there's always an assurance of a happy experience. You either get to find & hire a Beautician from Sector 25, Jal Vayu Vihar, or we make a 100% refund for you.

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